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upper/db can be set to print SQL statements and errors to standard output through the UPPER_DB_LOG environment variable: UPPER_DB_LOG=DEBUG ./go-program

Use UPPER_DB_LOG=$LOG_LEVEL ./program to enable the built-in query logger at the desired logging level, you'll see the generated SQL queries and the result from their execution printed to stdout.

2020/08/26 00:05:44 upper/db: log_level=DEBUG file=/go/src/
Session ID: 00001
Query: SELECT "pg_attribute"."attname" AS "pkey" FROM "pg_index", "pg_class", "pg_attribute" WHERE (pg_class.oid = '"books"'::regclass AND indrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attrelid = pg_class.oid AND pg_attribute.attnum = ANY(pg_index.indkey) AND indisprimary) ORDER BY "pkey" ASC
Time taken: 0.02538s
Context: context.Background

2020/08/26 00:05:44 upper/db: log_level=DEBUG file=/go/src/
Session ID: 00001
Query: SELECT * FROM "books" WHERE ("id" = $1)
Arguments: []interface {}{1}
Time taken: 0.00317s
Context: context.Background

These are the logging levels upper/db comes with, ranging from the lowest severity (trace) to the highest (panic).

  • db.LogLevelTrace (UPPER_DB_LOG=TRACE)
  • db.LogLevelDebug (UPPER_DB_LOG=DEBUG)
  • db.LogLevelInfo (UPPER_DB_LOG=INFO)
  • db.LogLevelWarn (UPPER_DB_LOG=WARN)
  • db.LogLevelError (UPPER_DB_LOG=ERROR)
  • db.LogLevelFatal (UPPER_DB_LOG=FATAL)
  • db.LogLevelPanic (UPPER_DB_LOG=PANIC)

By default, upper/db is set to db.LogLevelWarn.

Use db.LC().SetLevel() to set a different logging level:

db.LC().SetLevel(db.LogLevelDebug) // or UPPER_DB_LOG=DEBUG

Use sess.SetLogger to overwrite the built-in logger: sess.LC().SetLogger(&customLogger{}), for instance:

import ""
// ...


If you want to restore the built-in logger, set the logger to nil: sess.LC().SetLogger(nil)

Make sure to set an appropriate logging level in production, using levels lower than db.LogLevelWarn could make things pretty slow and verbose.
