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Introduction to `upper/db`

upper/db provides a simple API for developers to use when working with different SQL and NoSQL database engines. Its main goal is to provide Go developers with the right tools to focus on writing business logic with a reasonable compromise between productivity, development speed, and computing resources.

Using well-known database drivers, upper/db communicates with the most popular database engines (PostgreSQL, MySQL, CockroachDB, Microsoft SQL Server, SQLite, QL, and MongoDB).

Core components

The db package

The db package provides an agnostic Go API focused on working with collections of items. This API is modeled after basic set theory concepts that apply to relational and document-based database engines.

This API provides you with enough tools for most of the tasks you perform with a database, such as:

  • Basic CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete).
  • Search and delimitation of result sets.
  • Mapping between Go structs (or slices of structs) and query results.
  • Limit-offset pagination (page numbers).
  • Cursor-based pagination (previous and next).
  • Transactions.
package main

import (


var settings = postgresql.ConnectionURL{
Database: "booktown",
Host: "",
User: "demouser",
Password: "demop4ss",

func main() {
sess, err := postgresql.Open(settings)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("postgresql.Open: ", err)
defer sess.Close()

// The `db` API is portable, you can expect code to work the same on
// different databases
booksCounter, err := sess.Collection("books").Find().Count()
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Find: ", err)

fmt.Printf("There are %d books in the database.\n", booksCounter)

The SQL builder

Sometimes, an agnostic API won't be enough; for those tasks, upper/db also provides a SQL builder interface, which provides more direct access to the database with the additional advantage of using a SQL-like Go API or raw SQL sentences.

package main

import (


var settings = postgresql.ConnectionURL{
Database: "booktown",
Host: "",
User: "demouser",
Password: "demop4ss",

func main() {
sess, err := postgresql.Open(settings)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("postgresql.Open: ", err)
defer sess.Close()

// Define a query
row, err := sess.SQL().QueryRow("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM books")
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Find: ", err)

// Do what you'd normally do with `database/sql`
var counter int
if err = row.Scan(&counter); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Scan: ", err)

fmt.Printf("We have %d books in our database.\n", counter)

The (optional) ORM-like interface

upper/db provides an (optional) ORM-like layer that allows developers to represent data structures and relationships between them in a more opinionated way. This layer simplifies the process of working with complex data models and relationships, providing a higher level of abstraction and reducing the amount of boilerplate code required.

package main

import (


var settings = postgresql.ConnectionURL{
Database: "booktown",
Host: "",
User: "demouser",
Password: "demop4ss",

// Book represents a record from the "books" table.
type Book struct {
ID uint `db:"id,omitempty"`
Title string `db:"title"`
AuthorID uint `db:"author_id,omitempty"`
SubjectID uint `db:"subject_id,omitempty"`

func (*Book) Store(sess db.Session) db.Store {
return sess.Collection("books")

func main() {
sess, err := postgresql.Open(settings)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("postgresql.Open: ", err)
defer sess.Close()

var book Book
err = sess.Get(&book, db.Cond{"id": 7808})
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Find: ", err)

fmt.Printf("Book: %#v", book)

Getting started


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