How to contribute

Hey, thanks for your interest! We need help and there are many ways you can make this project better.

Reporting bugs and suggestions

The source code page at Github includes a nice issue tracker, please use this interface to report bugs and suggestions.

Hacking the source

The source code page at Github includes an issue tracker, see the issues or create a new one, then create a fork, hack on your fork and when you’re done create a pull request, so that the code contribution can get merged into the main package. Please note that not all contributions can be accepted into the core, so please be very explicit on justifying the proposed change and on explaining how the package users can get the greater benefit from your contrbution.

Improving the documentation

There is a special documentation repository at Github where you may also file issues. If you find any spot were you would like the documentation to be more descriptive, please open an issue to let us know; and if you’re in the possibility of helping us fixing errors, typos, code examples or even documentation issues, please create a fork, edit the documentation files and then create a pull request, so that the contribution can be merged into the main repository.